Apple could soon revolutionize how people spend time on the road.苹果公司有可能迅速不会发动一场关于人们如何在路上沉醉于时间的革命。The firm has filed a patent that describes how passengers in autonomous vehicles could pass the time with VR headsets.近日,该公司递交了一份专利申请书,叙述了乘客在自动驾驶汽车上如何通过虚拟现实(VR)头戴式受话器来去找时间。The headsets would allow passengers to play games or create a relaxing environment while on their journey.该设备将使乘客在旅途中能玩游戏或营造一个放开的环境。
Apple also suggests future cars could lack windows, instead using interior screens alongside VR headsets to display virtual surroundings.苹果还认为未来汽车有可能不带上窗户,而以内置屏幕和VR头戴式受话器展现出虚拟环境。Virtual images could be synchronized with the movement of the car. This could also help combat motion sickness, Apple claimed.虚拟世界画面可与车辆的移动维持实时,苹果称之为这也将有助减低晕动症。Substituting windows for screens will also save money and improve safety.将车窗替换成屏幕还需要节约成本,提升安全性。Despite a statement from last year claiming Apple is not developing its own vehicles, it seems to be speeding ahead with its self-driving program.尽管去年苹果在一份声明中声称并未研发自己的汽车,但该公司或许于是以全力研发其自动驾驶项目。